The Patchwork of Life

The musings of a homeschool mom, minister's wife, Bible class teacher, and mother's caretaker who quilts in her spare time, and occasionally has time for reading and writing blogs!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deja vu? or maybe not...

I invited Mother and my sister down for hamburgers Friday night. When we eat together, it's much more likely that we do so at Mother's, but I thought it would be good for them to get out. Mother walked in the door, and was amazed at all the books, just like all the other visitors who have never been at my house. She said, "I don't think I remember being in your house before!"

Mother has been to my house many times...just one of the pieces of memory that have fluttered away like a butterfly in the wind...

However, we had a great time, and it really didn't matter if she thought she'd ever been here before! I got out some single quilt blocks I'd made, and we admired them. She said quilting skipped a generation with her, but I reminded her that she's always loved quilts, just never got around to making very many of them. That love of geometric patchwork definitely passed on to me.


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